DUSK FILMS is an Adult content provider based in the North East of England, providing content to adult websites & content creators on the internet. Established in 2002, we pride ourselves on our creative solutions, our commitment to our active projects and producing our best work possible. We combine fun with a professional and laid back shoot with the good relationships we have built with modelss on set and colleagues in the Adult Industry over the last two decades. We perform, shoot, and edit all of our own content in house and provide it to websites/creators requiring video content for sale through online retailers, and other video platforms. Our main style of work we shoot is reality based, or hyper - reality as we call it. Video content that is planned and scripted but is shot to look as if it could be happening, using a main camera and multiple cameras to get a variety of angles.

The most popular thing we are known for is shooting for a website called Nerdpervert.com a joint partnership for the last 13 years, which has built up quite a following so far.  Over the last 4 years we have now become content creators in the ever-changing market. Working more for ourselves, and releasing and promoting our own stuff on our own. We are now an indie studio that work on our own projects and collaborations with other content creators, producing more of a wide variety of content than we ever have before, while helping new creators in the ways of filming and video production.

Meet the team